
How to discover your own personal style and the fascinating psychology behind it

Every week, new trends and TikTok "aesthetics" may be presented to us, but the world's most stylish individuals always stick to what they know works. The key to having a truly unique personal style is figuring out what works for you and sticking to it. Of course, this makes getting dressed in the mornings easier and reduces the stress associated with shopping, but embracing your individuality in style can also improve your general mental health.

Fashion psychologist Shakaila Forbes-Bell says that making a statement with your wardrobe is all about getting affirmation, which can increase your self-esteem and alter how people perceive you, reported Harpers bazaar. 

"As humans, we are wired to want to stand out because receiving special attention and validation makes us feel better about ourselves and makes us more likely to be rewarded," the author says. Therefore, it seems sense that establishing signature looks appeals to people. In addition to having social advantages, being memorable and instantly recognizable can also increase your self-confidence.

According to Forbes-Bell, having a unique appearance or sense of style that people can instantly recognize reveals an innate drive to stand out. People who actively pursue this really have higher levels of emotional stability than people who don't.

She says, "A desire to stand out is reflected in a distinctive personal style." According to studies, those who strongly feel the need to stand out from the crowd are more emotionally stable and content with their lives.

Practically speaking, it is easier to project a quiet confidence that is hard to fake when you have a solid sense of who you are and how you want to present yourself to the world.

Celebrity stylist Aimee Croysdill, who works with Nicola Coughlan and Marisa Abela, adds, "I think it's incredibly powerful." You can use it as your identity and blueprint. It all comes down to presenting a picture of who you are on the inside. Since we rarely get to interact with the majority of the people we see, it's important to project a picture of yourself that makes you feel confident and at ease whether you're strolling down the street or entering a room. It provides confidence; it functions similarly to physical armor.

"It has the ability to alter your behavior," says Net-a-Porter's market director Libby Page. Being the best version of yourself is what makes a strong personal style statement—not how you appear. When you establish what that is, maintaining it entails keeping only items in your wardrobe that enhance your sense of self-worth.

How then do you strive to have a personal style that accurately captures your inner self? It all comes down to figuring out what, aside from your style choices, makes you special.

Asking yourself questions about your hobbies and personality type may help you start by considering who you are as a person, not just your style, Page suggests. "Determining what your favorite music is, what restaurants you frequent, and which books inspire you can help you develop your personal style in terms of fashion."

Forbes-Bell thinks that having great personal style may also come from being confident in oneself first, and that those who put themselves out there naturally tend to have excellent personal style. Feeling happy about yourself takes precedence over changing how you dress.

According to her, "people with distinctive personal styles tend to be more outgoing, social, and active people." "Being open to new experiences is the first step towards developing this for yourself. Alter the stuff you're viewing and your surroundings. This kind of self-exposure will inspire you to adopt a more free-spirited style. You will feel as though you are wearing a costume if you alter your appearance without first taking care of your mental health.

Furthermore, consistency is essential. According to Croysdill, "having a simple format or template you stick to can be distinctive enough." It doesn't have to be ludicrous and extravagant. Its shape and color may be really subdued, but if it remains constant, you will find it to be unique.

Recall that while a uniform doesn't have to be boring—after all, we're all going for an exquisite capsule wardrobe consisting of exceptional pieces for everyday wear—you also shouldn't be scared to repeat outfit formulae and designs. It's important to follow your comfort level and resist the urge to follow social media's fashion recommendations for the particular month. Nothing is more attractive than a person who is at ease in their own skin, as Croysdill states: "Repetition is the coolest form of fashion – it makes me think someone really feels confident in knowing what makes them feel good."





