
The Rise of Luxury Handbags as Investments

Luxury handbags have evolved from mere accessories to coveted investment pieces, with some commanding prices comparable to small cars. The trend has led to a burgeoning secondary market and transformed handbags into financial assets. Influencers like May Berthelot have capitalized on this trend, emphasizing the investment potential of high-end handbags. Online communities dedicated to handbag investments are thriving, attracting young women seeking alternative investment opportunities, AFP writes.

However, such investments come with risks, as highlighted by financial experts like Léa Lejeune. Auction houses, recognizing the lucrative nature of luxury handbags, have capitalized on the trend, with Christie's forecasting significant sales from this sector. Blue-chip items such as Hermès Birkin and Kelly bags, vintage Louis Vuitton trunks, and limited-edition Chanel bags command exorbitant prices in both traditional and online auctions.

Luxury brands like Hermès and Chanel carefully control supply and demand to maintain exclusivity and drive prices up. Waiting lists and limited availability contribute to the allure of coveted handbags, leading to legal battles over access.  /BGNES
