
Influencers and fashion consultants look at 'fast fashion' as a global problem

Influencers and fashion consultants from all over the world gathered this year's Pitti Uomo exhibition in Florence. One of the most discussed topics of the fashion forum is "fast fashion", which is becoming a global problem.

About the future of the fashion industry, the BGNES team, which is at the exhibition, talks with influencers and fashion consultants who flew to Italy to be part of the biggest show for classic and avant-garde men's clothing and accessories.

Irish influencer Damien Broderick joins Pitti Uomo for the second time. He revealed to BGNES that he would change a few things in the fashion industry.

"I would make changes in terms of 'fast fashion' and the role of clothes that are sustainable and last over the years. I would change 'fast fashion' to 'slow fashion' where designers and brands take the time to make their clothes the right way", he commented.

Broderick said he doesn't use the help of a fashion consultant, but rather relies on his own style when choosing his outfit. He expressed hope that the mindset of consumers will change and that people in his country will leave the clothes from the so-called. "fast fashion" aside.

"Governors can increase taxes on companies that produce this type of clothing, which could make people buy better quality clothes because their price would be almost the same," he added.

Digital content creator and fashion consultant Lino Ngado is from Angola, but his home is France. He told BGNES that he has been participating in "Pitti Uomo" for the past 5-6 years. The reason he has been visiting the fashion forum for years is a common one - on the one hand to develop his business, and on the other hand to make new contacts. He also has ideas for changing the industry:

“I would work on helping people choose more natural fabrics for their clothing. Because artificial fabrics are mixed with chemicals and this can create problems for the skin and even for a person's health", he pointed out.

According to the fashion consultant who lives and works in Paris, in Italy, the emphasis is more on elegant clothing, while in France, the emphasis is on the more extravagant.

According to him, "fast fashion" is creating problems throughout the country. "This is a global problem. Fast clothes are much more expensive than those made from natural materials. "When you buy high-quality clothes, you save money and spend less money in the long run, whereas when you buy fast-fashion clothes, you throw your money down the drain," says the fashion consultant.

According to Fabio de Sousa from Switzerland, mixing traditional and modern clothing is a good way to build an authentic look alongside new trends.

“I think there's a huge shift in the fashion industry right now. We must use the materials that are characteristic of the place we come from and that we know. In the past, the fashion industry has made mistakes regarding the environment, so we should strive for more ecological production and work", he believes.

According to him, ethics should be the guiding principle for both small and large companies. "Just by changing something in a business, you can change things in the world," he believes. /BGNES
